
The Details

Rococode is an evolving band of three Vancouver musicians. They have been working hard to bring fans into their world through a collective desire to make adventurous, bad-ass and meaningful pop music. In fact, all the members of Rococode have ever done is make music.

And as all things begin and end with the music, Rococode has set to making exciting new pop. Their debut album Guns, Sex & Glory is a little bit dark. A little bit playful. A little bit scary. A little bit thoughtful. All whipped together with the help of Mother Mother’s Ryan Guldemond (co-producer), Andrew Braun (co-producer), engineer extraordinaire Shawn Penner (Mother Mother, Hannah Georgas, Elias) and mixer John Congleton (St. Vincent, Polyphonic Spree, The Walkmen).

While prepping their record for release, they toured eastern Canada with Mother Mother. They get behind causes they believe in, such as Habitat for Humanity and Sing It Forward. Shaun wrote a witty book called How To Pack Like A Rock Star and successfully used Kickstarter to fund its printing. And they regularly post clever vignettes and live acoustic versions online, allowing us to probe deeper into their world.

With special guests: Sidney York…
From the opera stage and the orchestra pit into indie music, Sidney York is proof that band geeks are cool. “Part glitzy pop, part avant-pop, and part fun” (More Than a Feeling), Sidney York is the long-distance relationship of three former band geeks: opera singer Brandi Sidoryk (“Sid”), oboist Sheryl Reinhardt, and bassoonist Krista Wodelet. Brought together in part by high school honor band, and in part by a serendipitous connection on a certain friendly Canadian airline, they join forces from their respective home bases of Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto to create an avant-pop renaissance of the unusual instruments they grew up with. Sidney York’s three frontwomen deliver a live experience that rollercoasters from bubbly, clap-and-whistle-along pop to sweet and sexy vocal harmonies, and their powerful onstage presence always leaves audiences wanting more.
Click here for a video from Sidney York.