Help & Support
Cumberland Village Works has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for unwanted sexualized behaviours. REES allows festival-goers, performers, staff and volunteers to Create a Record of the incident and share it with festival organizers. REES also provides information about community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare and other support services.
REES can be accessed online at any time, year-round. Go to and select Concert Series from the drop-down list.Β
Social Services
Dial or text 2-1-1 to be connected with a Resource Navigator who will provide information and referral to social services including treatment and detox.
BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services
Call 310Mental Health Support: 310-6789 (no area code needed) to speak to a crisis line worker 24/7.
The Foundry
Support for those 12-24 years. Access five core services in one convenient location: mental health care, substance use services, physical and sexual health care, youth and family peer supports, and social services.
Call the crisis line atΒ 1-800-784-2433
SMS/Text Kids Help Phone by texting CONNECT to 686868, if you would like to stop the conversation text STOP
Text (604) 245-2425
Chat Online:
24-Hour Crisis Line Nation-wide: 604-255-6344
Battered Women Support Services
Crisis & Intake line at 1-604-687-1867 and toll-free at 1-855-687-1868β
victim/survivorLink BC is a toll-free, confidential telephone service available across B.C. and Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. victim/survivorLink BC provides service in over 110 languages, including 17 North American Indigenous languages.
Third party reporting
Advocate Services PovNet
PovNet is an online community of advocates and front-line workers that addresses poverty and promotes access to justice for vulnerable residents of British Columbiaβ
BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner
Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860
Basic and Immediate needs for Somali Canadians (many resources for both BC and AB)
Resources: Sexual Assault – Mental Health – Basic Needs.docx
Comox Valley
Forensic Nurse services Sexual Assault & Relationship Violence | Island Health
CV Family ServicesSexual Assault | Community Based Victims Services Program